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After an early retirement from teaching high school English, I wondered off into the most difficult industry I could think of, running a restaurant.  I soon learned it was far more arduous than it appeared and closed the doors after only four years. Thinking I could live my best life by going into corporate America and continuing to do what I loved, dealing with people and planning parties, I became an event manager with the world’s  top brand hotel chain. There, I discovered you are often not paid your worth or appreciated for the tireless hours of work you put in; So, no matter how much I loved the position, the clients and the parties, it was not cutting the mustard for the life I was accustomed to.  


Soon after parting ways, I began having health issues and had a steady decline in my physical overall health.  After several months of doctor visits, tests and hospitalizations, it was discovered that I needed a fourth open-heart surgery.  Having had three heart surgeries in the past from age 12, I was mentally and spiritually prepared to go through another one with no hesitation, only this time everyone kept reminding me how much older I was and how much harder it would be for me to recuperate.  Well, that became my truth and it was. Since I had been in a slow deterioration with my health for some time, my strength going into surgery was not the best. This was my most grueling recovery ever and as I laid in ICU for nearly two-weeks recovering, I promised myself that I would get back to boss and make my life what I desired it to be without the mental constraints and stressors associated with running, jumping through hoops and dancing for others.


Cooking in the kitchen has always been a happy place for me and over the years my food has provided enormous joy to others. I decided to bring one of these joys to all of you.  Hence, OOH COBBLER was a thought, a vision and now a manifested dream come true.

Image by Hello I'm Nik
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